I didn?t really know how to start this post.� I had thought up the title a couple days ago.� I don?t remember what I had been doing, but it had to do with romance.� (You know me ;) and afterwards, I wandered into the kitchen where Mama was.
?I am so glad God created romance!? I burst out.� ?Without romance this world would be so?boring!?
Mama just looked at me and laughed.
?Romance is beautiful!? I added.�
And that?s when I got the title for this post.
But like I said, I?m not totally sure how to go about writing this?but I guess I?ll just see how the LORD leads me. :)
Right now, I am sitting on my cozy bed, in my comfy black sweatpants and light blue pajama top.� Pillows are piled against my back and books laden my comforter.� Next to my bed, just within reach, is my desk chair with my radio clock, a plate of chewy chocolate oatmeal cookies, a glass of milk and my iPad.� (Okay, just writing about the cookies, made me pause just now and grab one? :)
I have my iPad on shuffle?in what playlist?� The one I created called ?Love Songs?.� (Yeah, that?s how romantic I am!)� Jason Castro?s ?Let?s Just Fall in Love Again? is playing.
Whenever I think or write about romance, I suddenly turn into my ?Most Romantic Girl on the Block? character.� Not that I?m not like that all the time, but?there are just certain instants when MRGotB just comes alive! Haha
?Look at this cute wedding picture!? ? MRGotB alert!
?Listen to this quote: ?When they asked me what I loved most about life, I smiled and said you?.? ? MRGotB alert!
A love song comes on the radio or my iPad?s on shuffle ? MRGotB alert!
You get the picture? ;)
(Song playing now: ?Hundred More Years?, by Francesca Battistelli)
So right now?I?m in that MRGotB character.
Some people have said that romance isn?t a really good thing to think about.� They say that it promotes the wrong sort of feelings for a girl (especially a teenager) to be feeling and that can lead to sin, etc.
If you?re dwelling on romance way too much ? and immaturely using it to gratify your wants and desires ? then yes, that is wrong.
But when you look at it as a pure, beautiful thing that God created, I totally approve of that.� And I believe God loves that too.
God created romance, okay?� He?s been the most romantic Person since the creation of the world.� In verse 18 of Genesis 2, it says: ?Then the LORD God said: ?It is not good for the man to be alone; I will make him a helper suitable for him?.?�
Then, jump down to verse 21b-24: ??then He took one of his [Adam?s] ribs and closed up the flesh at that place.� The LORD God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man and brought her to the man.� The man said, ?This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.? For this reason, a man shall leave his father and his mother, and be joined to his wife; and they shall become one flesh.?
That is just the first example of God and romance.� He saw that it was not good that man be alone.� That was the first (and only!) thing about His creation that He said was ?not good?.
(Song playing now: ?Song For You?, by Michael Buble)
Another example (and probably the biggest!), is the book of the Bible: ?Songs of Solomon?.� Now why would God have such a book be put in His Word that talked about a husband and wife, sex, love and romance if He didn?t approve it??� ?All Scripture is God-breathed and inspired.?
Now, like I said, if romance is a part of your life in an unhealthy and impure way, then?you are in sin.
It says ? in Songs of Solomon, as a matter of fact! ? chapter 8, verse 4:
??Do not arouse or awaken [my] love until she pleases.?
God commands us to be pure.� That doesn?t mean that He bans us from ever mentioning the word ?romance? or squeal every time we see something romantic and beautiful.� He just...doesn?t want us going too far. ;)
(Song playing now: ?Kiss A Girl?, by Keith Urban)
As young women waiting on the LORD for our earthly Prince Charming, nothing is hindering us from pouring into our current (and everlasting romance!) ? with our Heavenly Prince.
Romance is beautiful?let us remember that.� And not only have it as that sweet feeling that you have when you see something cute and adorable, but have that sweet feeling when you are basking in the love of your Heavenly Prince. <3
And here's today's Music Video Monday! :)
Sung by my favorite country singer...
One of his best.
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