Saturday, January 21, 2012

War Horse

I am going to start this movie review kinda in a visa-versa sort of way.
I usually go through all the characters, name what I loved about the movie, etc....and then close with the things I disliked.
But I'm going to start out backwards.
I loved this movie.� Everything about it.
for the fact that there are many well-known actors in it, but they are only in the movie for a couple scenes (at the most!)
that there was absolutely no romance.
�I know this movie is about the horse (which is TOTALLY legit by me!!� I mean, of the reasons for living!)...
but seriously...every movie could have just a smidgen of romance in it.
if you've seen it, comment and tell me if you think that the last part (between Albert and the Grandfather) might have had a little hint of 'caring' in it ;)� You should know what scene I'm talking about...
Okay, now on with the characters and the AMAZING actors who played them!!
Seriously, people...I loved this movie.
Jeremy is now one of my favorite actors.� Just thought I'd make that official.
I think he did a fabulous job in War Horse - and I am SO glad Stephen Spielberg decided to use him as Albert.
He's not bad-looking, either. ::coughs::
The horse's name is Joey, by the way.� Yes, a very important factor!
{Steven Spielberg and Jeremy Irvine one of the horses that played Joey.� There were 14 unnamed horses that played Joey's character in the movie!� Pretty crazy, huh?� Not to mention CG ones...}
He reminds me a lot of Knight, actually. :D� It may just be the coloring though...that bay color...
{I think this ^ is a great picture!}
Knight only has two white socks...but their white markings (on their face) are a little similar.
The relationship he has with Joey is so...good.� I just love it!!
I won't tell you how he meets him or gets him or anything...I'm not a spoiler ;)
Albert's parents were played by...
Peter Mullan and Emily Watson
When I first started the movie, I took an instant dislike to Mr. Narracott.� He was just too bull-headed for his own good.� And he drinks (strong drink :P) like an idiot!
But one of the most beautiful things about this movie is the relationship, respect and admiration that Albert has for his parents.� Even though his father is a close to good-for-nothing, he still loves and respects him.� He forgives his father.� He takes on the responsibilities that his father should have.
And towards the end of the movie, there's a scene that just about made me cry...(I was already crying though, I think...)
I LOVE Albert and his mother's relationship!!� So sweet. <3
(see Joey in the background? ;)
Mrs. Narracott is such a strong character.� She's a very courageous woman.� I love how she is a mother, encourager, hard-working, tough person...but doesn't come across as 'manly' in any way.
She loves her husband - even past his faults.
She supports her son - through everything.
There's a scene in the movie that Mr. Narracott asks 'Do you hate me?'
'I may hate you more...but I'll never love you less.'
Okay, so most of you probably recognize this gent from 'Thor' - in which he played Loki.
Personally, I didn't really like him in 'Thor', I mean...he's the bad guy!� Great actor, just a bad character :P haha
In War Horse...this guy is legit.� Totally love him.� Loved his character.� LOVE how Hiddleston portrayed him.
Benedict Cumberbatch as...
(No, that ^ photo isn't from the movie.� Sorry, folks!)
I've seen Cumberbatch in 'Amazing Grace' and I hear that he's superb as Sherlock Holmes in the BBC miniseries (sorry...I'm still a very loyal Downy Jr. fan... :P)
Really liked Maj. Stewart...
But like I said at the beginning of this review...the 'big' actors weren't really in the movie for very long, so...I don't think I have a very formed opinion about him.� ::shrugs::
Couldn't find a single shot of him, but...he's the dude all the way on the left.
You may recognize him from BBC's 'Bleak House'.
I liked his character in War Horse.� He made me laugh hysterically in one scene :D� If you've seen it, I'm sure you know which scene I speak of ;)
I really liked all three of these guys.� They acted very well together and...were just amazing.
And I LOVED Maj. Stewart's horse!� A big, black beauty.
He is such a sweet, gentle older man...The kind that makes you just wanna jump into the movie and hug him. :)
I love Emilie!!� She reminded me so much of myself!! haha� It was kinda funny.
She and her grandpa are so sweet to each other.� He takes such good care of her.
She's a great little actress too!!� Okay, well, not little...I think she's 14 or something.
War Horse was her first BIG movie...which *I* would certainly consider an honor - getting to work alongside such amazing actors!� I think she did a great job.��
Gunther is the fellow on the left.� For some reason I can't find the guy's name, one the right.
But anyway, they're brothers...
I fell in love with their characters.� And I'm sure you will too. <3 are a few more actors in War Horse who I'm just too lazy to include :P haha
No really...I couldn't find photos of them that would've worked for this post.
Eddie Marson (the Inspector from 'Sherlock Holmes') as Srg. Fry wrap this movie up, I'm going to list 3 things about it.
I loved the different relationships they portrayed.
A grandfather and his graddaughter.
Each of these were such beautiful relationships...and portrayed so realistically.
The actors that were selected were absolutely superb.
No one could've played any of the characters any better.
Each scene in this whole movie was special and unique in its own way. �
Whether by intensity, the drama, fear, suspense, love...or just by the way the actors acted.� Amazing.
Horses are beautiful, amazing creatures.� And they have personalities.
You can get attached to them.��
You can cry because of them.
You can laugh because they make you happy.
War Horse captured all the feelings of people who love horses...and horses.
I heard that the book (that the movie was based off of ) is written from the horse's perspective.� (Like Black Beauty - for those of you who've read/watched that).
That book is on my to-read list.;)
at the world premier in England.
Lady Kate attended!� Did you know that? ;)� Little random fact that I wanted to include in here to make me sound brilliant... :D
This ^ is a SUPER cool picture that I found!!!!�
It made me ::shriek:: (in delight, of course)
I just thought it was (yup, there's my word again :P)
And to close this review...
I plan on drawing this photo:
One of my favorite movies...of all-time.


PS:� One thing I would caution, is not to watch this with young(er) children.� It is a bit violent in some scenes.

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