Thursday, February 23, 2012

Encouraging news from the modeling world...

To some of you, this ^ lady may look familiar.

To fill the others in, her name is Kylie Bisutti.
And she is known for being the 21-year old woman who won the Victoria's Secret Model Search, competing against 10,000 other women in 2009.

{To any gentlemen reading this article, please be cautious of clicking on the source links.� I tried to find ones that had as-appropriate-as-possible photos of her, but some of them may not.}

While being a model for such a well-known company can offer fame and fortune, Kylie says that she is quitting because she 'has been convicted of honoring the LORD and my body and wanting to be a good role model for other women out there who look up to me'.

�Bisutti adds that a conversation with her 8-year-old cousin helped motivate her to make this decision.

"I was doing my makeup in the mirror one day and she was watching me," Bisutti says. "She looked at me and was like, 'You know, I think I want to stop eating so I can look like you.'"

"It just broke my heart because she looks up to me and I didn't want to be that type of person that she thought she had to do that to be beautiful," she says. "Thousands of girls that think that being beautiful is an outer issue and really it's a heart issue."
{source: here}

?Victoria?s Secret was my absolutely biggest goal in life, and it was all I ever wanted career-wise,? Bisutti is quoted as saying by IBT. ?But the more I was modeling lingerie, and lingerie isn?t clothing, I just started becoming more uncomfortable with it because of my faith. I?m Christian, and reading the Bible more, I was becoming more conflicted about it.?

Kylie, who married shortly before she won the model search in 2009, also admits her role as a wife and someone that was looked up to in her church body played a large part in her choice to quit.

?My body should only be for my husband and it?s just a sacred thing,? she said. ?I didn?t really want to be that kind of role model for younger girls because I had a lot of younger Christian girls that were looking up to me and then thinking that it was okay for them to walk around and show their bodies in lingerie to guys.?

{Read more at}


What are you thoughts on Kylie Bisutti and her recent conviction in not modeling for Victoria's Secret?��

Do you agree that following God whole-heartedly should mean to even give up the career you have been dreaming of?


Fun little trivia fact:
Kylie is the younger sister to Danielle Bisutti - the actress who played the lead lady's role in the 2009 Christian movie 'No Greater Love'.

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